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feed baby at 4 months


When does a baby start eating?

feed baby at 4 months

The fourth month of a baby's life is an important stage in your baby's feeding journey, as the baby begins to prepare to transition from drinking breast milk or formula only to adding solid foods.

In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on what a baby eats in the fourth month, including:

  1. When does a baby start eating?
  2. Food for 4-month-old babies.
  3. Important tips on baby food in the fourth month.
  4. Baby food schedule in the fourth month.
  5. What to avoid when feeding your baby?

When does a baby start eating.

Signs of baby readiness to eat

You can start introducing solid food to infants between the ages of 4 months and 6 months. Some babies are ready to eat at 4 months and others are not. Signs of baby readiness to eat include:


  • They can sit upright with help and hold their heads up well.
  • They are curious and passionate about eating.
  • They do not push food out of their mouths and can swallow.
  • If these signs are not present, your baby is not ready to eat solid food.


If the baby doesn't seem ready to eat yet, that's okay. There's no need to rush. Most babies are ready to start eating solid foods between the ages of 5 and 6 months. You can save the article and come back to it after a month to find out how to start with your baby. We'll be waiting for you, dear.

Now that we've confirmed together that the baby is ready to eat. Let's find out together what is the appropriate food for your baby at 4 months old


What does a baby eat in the fourth month?

The baby's food in the fourth month includes cooked and mashed vegetables and fruits, so that it is easy for your baby to swallow. The baby's foods in the fourth month include the following:

Wait a minute, if you are confused about how to feed your baby, here is a great tool that will make it easier.


Apples for infants in the fourth month are one of the most beneficial fruits, as they contain vitamin B6, vitamin C, antioxidants, and fiber. To prepare an apple meal for a 4-month-old baby, the apple must be cooked well until it becomes soft and does not cause choking or difficulty swallowing for the baby.You can store cooked apples in special jars in the refrigerator for two days in the summer and for three days in the winter.


It is safe and beneficial to give potatoes to infants in the fourth month, as they are rich in carbohydrates, vitamin C, and other nutrients that are essential for the child and provide him with the energy he needs. You can prepare potatoes in several ways, but the most suitable way for 4 months is to boil them and mash them well until they become creamy, making sure that there are no large pieces of potatoes left so as not to cause choking.

Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are very nutritious. One of the benefits of sweet potatoes for infants is that they contain a good amount of vitamin A and vitamin C. They also have anti-cancer properties and enhance immune function, gut health, brain function and eye health. They are an ideal choice in the feeding schedule for an infant aged 4 months to 6 months.

Sweet potatoes are easy to digest and do not cause constipation, and they also taste delicious. To prepare a meal of sweet potatoes: Cut the potatoes and cook them on the fire until they are cooked. Mash them and add a little water or formula milk.

If you are wondering if sweet potatoes help increase the weight of the infant? Yes, sweet potatoes are considered one of the best foods to increase the weight of the infant.


Many mothers wonder: Are bananas good for 4-month-old infants?

The answer is: Yes. Bananas are an ideal food for 4-month-old infants. Among the benefits of bananas for infants in the fourth month:

Bananas are full of carbohydrates and essential nutrients that children need to grow, such as folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin C and potassium. Together, these nutrients support the nervous system, skin health, iron absorption and blood pressure.

Bananas are also known as a natural antacid and are very gentle on the stomach. Although bananas are one of the best fruits allowed for infants in the fourth month, be careful not to eat too much of them. Too many bananas can cause constipation.

Bananas are a beneficial option as they are rich in potassium and dietary fiber, and they are easy to prepare and do not require cooking. To prepare a meal of bananas for infants in the fourth month: Peel one banana. Mash it with a fork or food processor. Add a little formula or natural milk or water to make it softer.

 Avocado and Milk

Avocado contains folic acid, potassium, vitamin E, iron, and healthy fats that help in the development of the brain and nervous system. Therefore, it is considered one of the best foods for a 4-month-old baby.

To prepare a meal of avocado and milk for your baby, mash half an avocado with a fork or blender until it becomes creamy, then add a little formula or natural milk (after pumping it).


Pears are considered one of the safest foods, as the possibility of causing an allergy is very low. To prepare a meal of pears, steam them until they become soft, then mash them well. The puree can be added to baby cereal to increase its nutritional value.

Pea puree for infants

Peas are considered a food rich in vitamins, proteins and iron, but I do not prefer to give it to infants before the eighth month because it contains peels that are annoying to the baby. If you are one of those who prefer to feed their children and will offer peas, you must be careful to boil the peas, mash them, then strain them to remove the peels and ensure that they do not cause any harm or discomfort to the baby.

Infant Cereal

Cereal is one of the safest foods for infants, but you should choose the types intended for 4 months of age, as these types contain many of the essential nutrients your child needs, and their texture is suitable and easily accepted by the child.

Cereals for 4-month-old infants

Rice and oats are the least allergenic grains for children, so it is recommended to start with them when introducing food to 4-month-old infants. It is preferable to offer the cereals to the infant mixed with breast milk so that their taste is palatable to him. While completely avoiding giving the child grains containing gluten, such as wheat and barley, in the first stage, especially if there is a family history of allergies and digestive disorders.

Tips on baby food in the fourth month

  • Follow food safety rules, including washing your hands well. Wash vegetables well, and it is preferable that the vegetables be organic.
  • Start feeding the child a meal consisting of only one type of food and wait 3-5 days before introducing another type of food until you are sure that the child is not allergic to the first type.
  • Adopt the method of boiling foods that need to be cooked instead of frying them, and it is better to steam them, because this method preserves vitamins and minerals.
  • Make sure to mash the food well so that there are no solid pieces left in it to avoid choking. Also, filter food that contains peels
  • Avoid adding salt, sugar or spices to food. Make sure to give your child foods rich in zinc and iron.
  • Start with half a spoon or less and talk to your baby while introducing the food. When you first introduce solid foods to babies, you can give your baby a little breast milk or formula first; then switch to a very small half a spoonful of food; and finish with more milk if your baby cries or turns away when feeding. Don’t get upset or make him eat because he may hate the food. Just calm down and go back to breastfeeding or formula for a while before trying again.
  • After your baby has eaten individual foods, it’s okay to offer a pureed mixture of two foods, provided your baby has eaten each one separately before and you’ve made sure your baby isn’t allergic to any of them.
  • If you’re using baby food prepared in jars, put some of the food in a bowl to feed your baby. Don’t feed your baby directly from the jar—bacteria from your baby’s mouth can contaminate the leftover food.
  • If you refrigerate opened jars of baby food, it's best to throw away anything that hasn't been eaten within a day or two.

       💙 Share your experience in feeding infants if you are not a first time mother.In the comments below👇
