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Foods a pregnant woman needs to give birth to a healthier baby


Foods a pregnant woman needs to give birth to a healthier baby


Welcome, dear, to the pregnancy journey. I hope to provide you with useful information that will help you on your pregnancy journey. Pregnancy is one of the most demanding periods for women in terms of nutrition. A pregnant woman's body needs many nutrients to maintain its needs and support the growth of the fetus. But how does the fetus get all the nutrients it needs to grow healthily?

The fetus receives the necessary nutrition for its growth, whether from the food the mother eats or from the nutritional supplements she takes.

Did you know that a pregnant woman's body has different needs according to the week of pregnancy?

Yes, the nutritional needs of the fetus differ each week, and this is due to the different stages of formation. At each stage, different organs are formed in the fetus's body and require different nutrients than the previous stage.

That's why I have collected for you in this post all the foods that a pregnant woman needs according to the week of pregnancy. Continue reading and pay attention to me.

What does a pregnant woman eat from the first week until the fourth week?

It's the beginning of the journey, dear, so don't worry, everything you eat now will serve as a nutritional reserve for you and your baby.

During the first weeks of pregnancy, it is very important to store all the necessary nutrients suitable for that stage, and foods rich in folic acid should be eaten at this stage because they help in the early growth of the spine, and you can eat leafy vegetables, and eating vegetables helps relieve morning sickness because they are rich in magnesium.

You can take supplements that contain folic acid, or eat foods rich in it such as spinach, oranges, broccoli and legumes.

Proteins: such as lean meats, eggs and nuts to promote cell growth.

What does a pregnant woman eat from week 4 to week 12 ?

From week 4 to week 12

Around the sixth week of pregnancy, the baby's red blood cells begin to form and the heart begins to beat. At this stage, you should consume foods rich in iron. I advise you to eat iron found in meat, which is much better than iron found in plants in terms of absorption speed and quantity. You should also drink fruit juice such as orange juice, which is rich in vitamin C, to speed up the absorption of iron.

You should also eat more dairy, eggs, meat, and seafood

Let's divide these weeks into two stages, which are the formation stage and the rapid growth stage

Week 5 to week 8 This is the formation stage

During this period, the fetus begins to form its basic organs. You should eat foods rich in....

Vitamin B6 because it helps relieve morning sickness, it is found in bananas, brown rice, and chicken.

Omega 3 because it helps in the development of the fetus's brain, get it from eating fatty fish such as salmon and sardines (but be careful with the quantity to avoid mercury). Eating foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid, which is an unsaturated fatty acid that has vital importance in the composition of membranes of important organs in the human body, such as the brain and cerebral cortex, as well as in the retina).

Week 9 to Week 12: Rapid growth stage

The fetus is growing rapidly, and it is time to increase the amount of food. You now need to increase calcium and vitamin D

Calcium: To build strong bones and teeth, eat dairy products, broccoli, and almonds.

Vitamin D: To enhance calcium absorption, make sure to get exposure to the sun and eat eggs and fish.

Pregnant women's food from week 13 to week 16

Your future fetus is moving more and more this thirteenth week of pregnancy. In fact, now he opens his fingers and even his mouth, you have to choose the right food to improve blood circulation

At this time, your body needs to support blood circulation. You have to eat foods rich in iron and vitamin C

Iron: Very important to prevent anemia, eat red meat, lentils, and spinach.

Vitamin C: Enhances iron absorption, eat oranges, strawberries, and red peppers.

Pregnant women's food from week 17 to week 20

This is the stage of fetal stability

As you enter the second trimester of pregnancy, you need to enhance your overall health.

Fiber: To prevent constipation, increase your intake of leafy vegetables, whole fruits, and whole grains.

Proteins: To support the continued growth of the fetus, be sure to eat eggs, poultry, and fish.

Pregnant women's food from week 21 to week 24

Energy boosting stage. Now you start to feel your baby's movements clearly. You need to eat more energy-boosting foods.

You should eat complex carbohydrates: such as oats, sweet potatoes, and brown rice to give you the energy you need.

You should also eat foods that contain magnesium: to support muscles and reduce cramps, eat nuts, seeds, and leafy vegetables.

Pregnant women's food from week 25 to week 28

Now we have reached the maturity stage, at this stage, the fetus needs a larger amount of nutrients such as

Fatty acids: to support the development of the eye and brain, eat avocados, nuts, and olive oil.

Probiotics: to improve digestion and strengthen immunity, such as yogurt and kefir.

Pregnant women's food from week 29 to week 32

Now we are approaching the end of the pregnancy journey. We are in the stage of preparing the body for childbirth.

The body is now preparing for the birth stage, so you should eat.

Vitamin K: necessary for normal blood clotting, eat green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli.

Essential fatty acids: to improve skin elasticity and reduce stretch marks.

Pregnant women's diet from week 33 to week 36

The fetus is gaining weight rapidly, and your body is preparing for birth. All you have to do now is relax and drink plenty of water to maintain hydration and reduce fluid retention. Also eat fiber and concentrated nutrients such as dates, iron-rich foods, and nuts.

Pregnant women's diet from week 37 to week 40:

The countdown has begun, you are in the final stage!

Continue to relax and eat light, easy-to-digest foods to maintain your energy in preparation for birth. Eat small, varied foods throughout the day.

❤ I will wait for you here after birth to check on you and your newborn. Don't forget my wishes for you and your newborn💙.

I still have a lot of information for you on how to feed and care for your child. Next time, bring him with you.
